Playing with a toy listening
AT 2..
Was asked to give it to the crying lot...
AND,, then my dreamz were never
Holding glass of milk, playing in
AT 13..
Choosing study with cricket to play but duno when turned
Smiling talking as they wanted..
AT 16..
Each foot step directed,,
grasping mathematical formulas soon
replaced soft drinks..!!
Nicely dressed with salwar,, further
path was already laid..
AT 18..
choosing career equalled to getting
into dreamworld..
And then realizing it wasnt my world..
MY Dreamz.. dezires..
the word "ME" had
disappeared lonnnnng back..
Today, AT 25..
having all one aspires for..
A Car,, Job,, Money,, Bungalow..
still what's missing is MINE..!!
The "I" the "ME"
was left far behind..
Everything which was their's was Mine
and I lived it......
Having now a step to proceed..
I am happy as I'm successful Though
for them...
.... MY sapling of dreams is still.. 2
yrs old>>
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