I have never been the strong minded, bold and independent
girl of the 21st Century.. I have never ever even been close to what one calls
an 'Alpha Woman'. But today I’m feeling like this….
I do the most silliest things in the
most inappropriate times of my life…But I never regret for this and
I end up bitching with the dean of my University, I left his class without saying anything to him because he is not listening our problem.
I trip on a completely flat flooring, always end up pushing a door which says pull, shop like its the last day of the world, bump into the most random people everyday banging my head into their shoulder or back, what so ever, go about waving out to every soul alive or dead (p.s.no sarcasm intended) many of which refuse to recognize me..
I read novels all day and believe they are true.. I cry listening to a sad song and even end up crying when I laugh too much.. (do u think I need help ?? Well, you are not the only one who thinks that way)
I feel hurt by the most non existent comment one passes and sit crying over it for hours at end (obviously pissing off everyone around me)
I end up falling for guys who are the perfect Mr.Wrong for me ! (Yah, trust me, I am not exaggerating !)
I do all the random things a sensible 18 year old would never do.. But because of all these things i do, sometimes, somethings happen which make me smile..
Like bitching about my dean to a friend, it helps me get my frustration out..
I trip on flat flooring, but then sometimes some nice people come help me balance myself again on two feet and ask me if I am fine.. This makes me realize humanity still exists in some corner of this materialistic world..
I talked to the person who sat besides me in cab or bus,till I know that it’s not good for me.
When I unintentionally bang into unknown people, on some rare days they turn out to be someone I knew years ago.. A strange way of catching up with old mates, eh ?
And when I wave out to people I know, even if one among ten wave back at me and smile, assuring me that they still remember me, it makes me feel good.. People can go ahead and forget me, I can't !
When I read novels, they make me forget my sorrows. For the few hours that I read, the book takes me away from my world.. In reality which person is without any problems ? When I see something good happening even in the novel, I feel good.. So what if it is just fiction ?
I'm NOT prefect !
I don't even intend to be perfect.. I want to be human.. I want to commit mistakes and learn from them.. I want to grow as a person.. I want to struggle to get what I genuinely want.. That is when I will value it more.. In a world which manipulates with every passing second and where people change with the snap of a finger, I can proudly say I have not changed to fit myself into this 'so-called-SOCIETY'.. I still do the things I like, which give me happiness, irrespective of what everyone else thinks !
I work towards IMPROVING myself, and NOT CHANGING myself.. Difference, lot of difference..
I am just ME.. And that is all I want to be !
It is NOT wrong to be yourself ! Definitely not wrong to be yourself !! I love myself!!!!!!
I end up bitching with the dean of my University, I left his class without saying anything to him because he is not listening our problem.
I trip on a completely flat flooring, always end up pushing a door which says pull, shop like its the last day of the world, bump into the most random people everyday banging my head into their shoulder or back, what so ever, go about waving out to every soul alive or dead (p.s.no sarcasm intended) many of which refuse to recognize me..
I read novels all day and believe they are true.. I cry listening to a sad song and even end up crying when I laugh too much.. (do u think I need help ?? Well, you are not the only one who thinks that way)
I feel hurt by the most non existent comment one passes and sit crying over it for hours at end (obviously pissing off everyone around me)
I end up falling for guys who are the perfect Mr.Wrong for me ! (Yah, trust me, I am not exaggerating !)
I do all the random things a sensible 18 year old would never do.. But because of all these things i do, sometimes, somethings happen which make me smile..
Like bitching about my dean to a friend, it helps me get my frustration out..
I trip on flat flooring, but then sometimes some nice people come help me balance myself again on two feet and ask me if I am fine.. This makes me realize humanity still exists in some corner of this materialistic world..
I talked to the person who sat besides me in cab or bus,till I know that it’s not good for me.
When I unintentionally bang into unknown people, on some rare days they turn out to be someone I knew years ago.. A strange way of catching up with old mates, eh ?
And when I wave out to people I know, even if one among ten wave back at me and smile, assuring me that they still remember me, it makes me feel good.. People can go ahead and forget me, I can't !
When I read novels, they make me forget my sorrows. For the few hours that I read, the book takes me away from my world.. In reality which person is without any problems ? When I see something good happening even in the novel, I feel good.. So what if it is just fiction ?
I'm NOT prefect !
I don't even intend to be perfect.. I want to be human.. I want to commit mistakes and learn from them.. I want to grow as a person.. I want to struggle to get what I genuinely want.. That is when I will value it more.. In a world which manipulates with every passing second and where people change with the snap of a finger, I can proudly say I have not changed to fit myself into this 'so-called-SOCIETY'.. I still do the things I like, which give me happiness, irrespective of what everyone else thinks !
I work towards IMPROVING myself, and NOT CHANGING myself.. Difference, lot of difference..
I am just ME.. And that is all I want to be !
It is NOT wrong to be yourself ! Definitely not wrong to be yourself !! I love myself!!!!!!

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