"I lives in a parallel Universe where Reality is so much more pleasant and flattering to senses.For that I have chosen to inflict blog, perceiving through gestaltic limitations here in the Universe."
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Wordless Wednesday-23
June Month is a adventurous month for me....

Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Wordless Wednesday-19
This month Wordless post will be based on "Challenges of Life"....
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Change in Attitude with relate to Career
Today i just go through this article on a site. I'm just uploading it for myself and others career purpose......
In career, nothing matters more than the attitude. It is a more powerful driver of success than skill, experience, or even luck. But how do your control your attitude, day in and day out? For most people, this is the challenge they cannot overcome.
I've been thinking quite a bit about this challenge lately, and I've come to believe that for most people there are a few elements that make all the difference between being downtrodden and delighted:
1. Maintain a growth mindset. According to Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, there are two types of mindsets you can have with regards to your talent and abilities. You can view them as fixed or as something you can grow. People who see their talents as fixed consistently fall short versus those who believe that they can acquire new abilities through effort and hard work.
So the first step towards changing your attitude is to recognize that you can grow your abilities. Abandon any notion that you are not smart, talented, or experienced enough. If you are willing to work hard, you can grow into any challenge.
2. Use a growth mindset to increase your competence. In today's economy, you have to be good at something that other people value... and you have to get better at it over time. Fortunately, once you adopt a growth mindset, you will understand that increasing your skill level is a direct function of the effort you invest in getting better.
I'd like to suggest that you consider who controls your fate at work, and focus your energy on increasingly the skills that person or group most values in you. This may not be your direct supervisor; it may be that person's boss, or it may be the owner of your firm.
It may sound obvious to say 'get better at what your organization needs you to do', but the simple fact is that most people miss this obvious path forward. They do the same thing, day after day. They don't grow. Most importantly, they don't aspire to grow.
Be different. Resolve to grow your competence level.
3. The best talent is bringing out talent in others. No matter what your profession, the work you personally produce every day is not nearly as important as the impact you have on other people. Why? There are MANY other people and only one you. If you are a talented programmer but consistently negative and divisive, eventually your career will suffer.
Bringing out talent in others is not the same as managing others. You can bring out the best in your boss, in co-workers, in friends and casual acquaintances. The more you do this, the more people will value having you around.
There's no magic formula for succeeding in this regard. In fact, the most essential step is to simply recognize that, no matter what, you need to be a person who brings out the best in others. Listen to others. Value what they have to say, even if you don't agree. Treat them with respect.
Nothing changes your attitude faster than thinking, "Help this person" every time you interact with another person. Yes, I said every time.
4. Find meaning in what you do. Money is important, no doubt. But if money is your prime motivation, you put yourself at a distinct disadvantage. You will make decisions that are bad for your colleagues and customers. People will perceive you as greedy instead of good to be around.
No matter what you do, to manage your own attitude you will need to find meaning in your work. This is a highly personal choice, but it is a critical one. If you perceive your work as meaningful, you will have the energy to work hard enough to grow day after day.
It may take some thought and creativity, but to change your attitude you will need to change your perception of the role of meaning in your work.
Meaning can come from...
- mastering a craft
- elevating the lives of others
- being part of a team
- supporting your family
- setting an example for your kids
- doing what you were born to do
- overcoming obstacles
- constantly growing
Add it all up, and here's what you get:
Week after week, I'm growing, increasing my skills, helping others, and doing something that's meaningful to me."
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
30-40...LATE....Actually NO!!!!!!!
It's never late to wear low waist jeans like that it's never late to start your start-ups.You can do it anytime at all.......

Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Some guidelines for myself:)
Have goals in your
life, that will help you keep moving forward .
You are the creator
of your own life, and you can make anything out of it. So dream big, act big
and make it big.
Be it right or
wrong; be the person you are. We all like people who are honest and just
Your problems are
your own, and they will keep coming. Instead of getting worried about problems,
put your energy in getting out of the problems.
What ever is
happening in your life right now is because of the actions you have taken in
the past. What will happen tomorrow is; how you act now.
The main key to
success is confidence.
Find your inner
strength, and never let you down. You might not be Mr. or Ms. Perfect, but you
are the person that no one can ever be.
Never sacrifice
your future for your present and find the perfect balance between present and
future to live a better life.
Never share your
problems with anyone, because everyone is busy handling their own problems.
Give as much as you
could without expecting anything in return.
Success is an
endless journey, once you on the track; you don’t have to stop ever.
Most important:
Your blog is your personal space. When you write anything, write it from heart,
and you will earn million hearts.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Monday, 3 March 2014
Who Am I?
I have asked this question endlessly till I got the answers.
Like everyone I had something unique to do with my life. A thing which gives me
satisfaction and a sense of being alive. How we are is actually what the world
wants us to see us. And in that quest most of the people forget who they really
are. Even I tried to do the same. I wanted to fit in. So I tried being an ideal
student, an ideal daughter, an ideal girl and the list goes endless and in all
of which I failed miserably. I was just average. I kept believing that I am
good for nothing. But someday I woke up and saw that life is not so complicated
at all. The secret lied inside me and was ready to come out the day I was ready
to accept it. It was just this “To be what I am”. Like any other sport or
skill, it is difficult to abide by the rules initially but eventually you start
enjoying it. I have been though depression, insanity and humiliation. But those
were the things that changed me from being weak and vulnerable to strong and
confident person.
It is not a burden anymore. The more you accept yourself for
what you are, the more wonderful secrets are revealed about yourself. I have
seen most things at a tender age which I cannot reveal on a public forum but
thankfully the almighty protected me and my family. He was always there for me.
It was just that I never thought he cared about me because he gave me and my
family so many troubles. But now I look back and thank him for his mercy. Yes,
the bad part was there and it is still there. But it is my choice to accept it
as a part of my live and move on or cry about it for the rest of my life. I
chose the first option.
If I see my life now, I have every reason to be not happy
and in fact no reason to live. But when I see myself, I see myself smiling.
Initially I used to feel guilty about it. I used to think this is wrong. I have
no right to be happy. I am not talking just like that. My real life was a
nightmare which I believe could have been worse but thankfully to the gift I
had to cope up, I managed to come out and take a rebirth like the phoenix.
If I told anyone today, no one would believe me. But the
truth is I was most shy person in the world. This was because I thought if I
say something, people will think I am stupid, people will laugh and what not.
So when it was time to talk, I couldn’t utter a single word. But as I grew up,
I was behind many people just because I couldn’t speak. I was afraid of
speaking in front of anyone. I have traveled a long distance; the distance from
weakness to strength. The person who couldn’t give an interview because of
nervousness cracked all the interviews in the first go. The secret is simple:
honest replies with a smile. If you believe you are the best, your face shows
you are the best.
I discovered my love for writing, travelling and photography.
So I pursued them as soon as I became independent and I had a job. I set
targets every year and surprisingly I make almost all of them a reality. Why?
This is just because I make targets which I want to achieve not what my parents
or friends or the world wants me to achieve.The resolution if they break are
because you made a target which others wanted you to achieve and not you. That
is why I have seen many people say that from now on I will exercise daily and
they end up following it for maximum just one week. You just have to find a way
you like.
I never wanted to be slim, I never wished to be what others
expected, I just was happy the way I looked. So I never tried dieting, gym or
any such thing. If a thing has to come, then it has to come naturally to me.
Like dancing, I do it whenever I feel like. No! I am not a good dancer. But I
know I am not good and that makes me enjoy me dancing. I love to dance for the entire life due to first the
conservative nature of a Indian family
from where I come then next due to studies. But when I just danced for the
first time forgetting my shyness, I enjoyed it so much that I forgot how bad a
dancer I am and how shy I am!
Life is full of surprises if you are ready to face them and let it make you the way you are. In my education years, I never was the person who topped in exams, who was known to be a good painter, singer or anyone. I was a no one. Now I am everything because I am who follows my dreams and is ready for every challenge on my way. I have a rare passion to travel to all places in India. And this passion was not easy and neither was it cheap. I just made my way through challenges and made small targets. I started that dream with Lonavala, Mumbai. But I am proud that overcame those obstacles. This was a sign. That when you want something, destiny will help you. Just don’t back out because things aren’t happening the way you had planned. Be ready for surprises thrown at you by chance! Though really I missed all my friends who could not make it to the trip; but what happens; happens for the best! I waited all my life to be the person I am. And finally when I got independent, I let my dreams come into reality.
So now when I look back I don’t see what I haven’t done. But
I see what all I was able to do. How many dreams I pursued and how happy they
made me. I have been always seen as someone who doesn’t give importance to
saving money when I should be doing that for future. For me, its the present
which is more important. I am ready to take a risk. If I start thinking about
that, then when is exactly the time to follow my dreams? Without dreams, I am
nothing. So I have chosen my path and am ready to face the consequences. If
death has to come I wont die as an unsatisfied person but as a person who lived
through everything and had the courage to follow dreams. This is who I am
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Monday, 24 February 2014
Random thoughts
These lines though
not entirely poetic are straight from my heart. To experiment in life and
discover my true soul. these are the lines that come to my mind:
I heard hundreds of voices around me about what should I do
in life;
Every voice told me to be realistic and go by the norm;
But there came a little voice inside me;
Which said to me to let it go;
Free yourself and do whatever you like;
The voice said that I dont promise that it would be easy;
But I promise you that you will never regret it;
You will be in love with yourself and so the world shall
The voice said that you have every reason to be happy;
And you have every reason to be sad;
But what matters us the reason you want to give for not
trying to be what you want to be;
Just follow your dreams and so the world shall see….
The voice said that I know that the fear of the unknown
haunts you;
But the excitement of living your life will conquer your
Life itself is most uncertain thing;
So fear that you may never get the chance to live the way
you want and so the world shall see…..
In your misfortune lies an opportunity;
Not every person is fortunate to be unfortunate enough to
get free from the bondages of life;
So my dear soul rise above doubt and set yourself free and
so the world shall see…..
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Wordless Wednesday-6
February month is the month of Love..For that my wordless Wednesday theme will be based on "LOVE"
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Sunday, 5 January 2014
My Favorites RUMI Poetry....
A Persian poet and a Sufi mystic, Rumi has always been my
favorite. A poet whose words give peace to my soul. Here are some verses that I
love of Rumi. Hope you like them too!!!
The breeze at dawn has
secrets to tell you
Don't go back to sleep
You must ask
For what you really want
Don't go back to sleep
People are going back and forth
Across the doorsill
Where the two worlds touch
The door is round and open
Don't go back to sleep
Don't go back to sleep
You must ask
For what you really want
Don't go back to sleep
People are going back and forth
Across the doorsill
Where the two worlds touch
The door is round and open
Don't go back to sleep
Today I'm out wandering, turning
my skull
into a cup for others to drink wine from.
In this town somewhere there sits a calm,
intelligent person
who doesn't know what he's about to do!
into a cup for others to drink wine from.
In this town somewhere there sits a calm,
intelligent person
who doesn't know what he's about to do!
Admit that love has in it all the righteousness
that we need.
Admit that love has in it all the righteousness
that we need.
Confess that you're
willing to forget
and be numb enough to call some low
desire a holy name.
Live as evidence that there is a way
from wanting to longing.
and be numb enough to call some low
desire a holy name.
Live as evidence that there is a way
from wanting to longing.
When I am with you,
we stay up all night.
When you're not here, I can't go to sleep.
Praise God for these two insomnias!
and the difference between them.
When you're not here, I can't go to sleep.
Praise God for these two insomnias!
and the difference between them.
When it's cold and raining,
You are more beautiful.
And the snow brings me even closer to your lips.
The inner secret, that which was never born
you are that freshness, and I am with you now
I can't explain the goings, or the comings.
You enter suddenly, and I am
nowhere again. Inside the majesty.
And the snow brings me even closer to your lips.
The inner secret, that which was never born
you are that freshness, and I am with you now
I can't explain the goings, or the comings.
You enter suddenly, and I am
nowhere again. Inside the majesty.
Keep walking though
there's no place to get to.
Don't try to see through the distances.
That's not for human beings
Move within but don't move
The way that fear makes you move.
Don't try to see through the distances.
That's not for human beings
Move within but don't move
The way that fear makes you move.
Out beyond ideas of
wrong-doing and right-doing,
There is a field. I'll meet you there
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase
doesn't make any sense.
There is a field. I'll meet you there
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase
doesn't make any sense.
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
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